Monday, October 11, 2010

Just a little question...

I've never received any feedback about ID3 tags, and as I know many of you peeps use various programs to play your music, I'd just like a confirmation on what players have no problems reading the tags (I know for a fact that some can't read/screw up the tags, especially windows media player on multiple occasions).  Just to add to that, I use iTunes 10 to manage and write all the tags.

Now with that out of the way, time for some more albums!

四季彩の星by ゆうゆ (yuuyu)

  1. 桜の季節
  2. ヒ゛ヒ゛ット゛カラー・ヒ゛ューティフルカンハ゛ス
  3. カタパルトネーション
  4. クローバー・クラブ
  5. ハイウェイノート
  6. 逆方向の街
  7. 深海少女
  8. 夕音
  9. 極楽鳥 -bird of paradise-
  10. 天樂
  11. エレクトロエレジー
  12. 白の季節
  13. つづり風
  14. 桜の季節 -Separation-
  15. 飛雷震
  16. 虹色の花

ミクのヒミツノート by ジェバンニP 

  1. 恋ノート////
  2. 忍法ヒトメボレの術
  3. どろんでござる、ミク丸くん
  4. わたしの極秘項目
  5. むあああああ


  1. Mediamonkey has no problems. Then again, I re-tag all my music.

    I'm so sorry. ; __ ;

  2. I use Winamp and I haven't had any problems.

  3. It's not really your tagging's fault if a tag shows up wrong in a program like Foobar2000 or WMP9 or lower, If you don't have japanese unicode setup, that program will not show the characters, Itunes (at least from v7 and up), WMP11 and 12, and VLC all have support for all characters of languages that they support built in to the program, and thus should show correctly. I use Itunes10, but I have a twitter friend that uses Foobar, and I helped him with this a while ago.

  4. yeah I know that animalbrad, it's just something that struck me as odd though as the place where I download my songs never has readable tags =/

    anyways nice to kmow everythings good =3

  5. I use iTunes 10 and I never have a problem with your tags. Sometimes I change something though for personal preference. For example, most of the albums I've downloaded had the same thing for artist and album artist so I just remove album artist and with compilation albums I think the album artist is "Various Artists" so I remove it and set the album as a compilation, then iTunes automatically places it under various artists.

  6. Hmm, I seem to have problems with the last song in the first album. My Winrar says that "Nijiiro no Hana" is corrupt and won't let me extract it or play it =(

  7. odd, did you try using the repair function in winrar, or try redownloading it. If it doesn't work I'll reuplaod it tomorrow. Sorry >.>

  8. I have the exact same problem with Nijiiro no Hana =(

    I downloaded it again but it doesn't work, and the Repair function doesn't get it working, either.

  9. sorry about the broken track guys, here's the link

  10. Works! Thanks a bunch =D

  11. I have iTunes 10 and it still shows up wrong.
    I have all the necessary Unicode plugins, yet something still goes awry.
    I think it has something to do with the RAR compression...
    Speaking of which, track #16 on 四季彩の星 is corrupted.

  12. yeah I uploaded it again (look in the comments above), but I can't say anything about the broken tags, it should work just fine as long as you have the japanese language packs installed
