Saturday, September 18, 2010

Vocaloid VY1 "MIZKI"

Tonight I've got one album only, but it's pretty damn amazing.  This is the first album of VY1 (the one that came in the deluxe edition of the vocaloid with the software, T-shirt, etc when it was released on September 1st), and it contains many popular tracks from a variety of producers using VY1.  Oddly enough though, VY1 lacks any official info, like age, mascot, gender (though VY1 has a feminine voicebank).  Added to that, this is the first vocaloid created by Yamaha themselves (though they were also involved with the production of Vocaloid Lily alongide Avex Management Co., Ltd.)

Now without further ado, here is vocaloid VY1 Mizki's first album!


  1. 星屑ユートピア 
  2. celluloid -P∴Rhythmatiq remix-
  3. パラジクロロベンゼン
  4. エンドレス -1983FMGROOVE-
  5. Drive!!
  6. ローリンガール
  7. オリジナルシング
  8. Awakening!
  9. 染色共同体
  10. サイハテ(ver.VY1)

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