Monday, January 31, 2011

Change of season indeed

No really, it didn't snow at all during christmas, and today it's a bloody 0 degrees.  Regardless, here's another album.

Also, if any of you guys play TF2, you can usually find me or suchipi on his server at, however we don't keep it up 24 hours though, but you still may be able to catch us from time to time (on weekends mostly, though don't be too sure.  In other words, try to be lucky, mkay?)

change of seasons by ミュムP

  1. Introduction-α-
  2. change of seasons
  4. Solitary queen
  5. Light now
  6. PiNK!
  7. ホシメグリ
  8. collector
  9. a piece of future
  10. シャロケット
  12. よぞらのドラマ

(not sure if it really matters if there's that one backwards D in the title, however for some odd reason my computer refuses to display a backwards D and I don't want to go language pack searching any time soon)

  1. コトバトラボラト
  2. ガール☆ミーツ☆ボーイ
  3. あんなことこんなこと、できなくてもいいよ

Shirley you must be joking?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

More more more! I say

Some more vocmas 15 albums (including a nice utatte mita one), and one more from vocamas 14.

悪徳のジャッジメント~a court of greed~ by mothy_悪ノP

  1. 悪徳のジャッジメント
  2. クロノ・ストーリー
  3. 追想のオルゴール
  4. マダム・メリーゴーランド
  5. ウェンディ
  6. 砂漠のBLUEBIRD

 ばんび~の featuring 鹿乃. let me tell you, this utatte mita...
hands down has one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard.

  1. ハロ/ハワユ
  2. メランコリック
  3. 微熱 
  4. One Night Disco
  5. カイにただヒトリの
  6. 嘘つきイミテーション
  7. yumeiro
  8. リフレクション
  9. crack
  10. グッドバイバイ

双月 by 情熱P

  1. 月神楽
  2. 金月
  3. 宵月
  4. 斩月
  5. 双月
  6. 硝子の人形
  7. Jealousy

clocks by ペペろんP

  1. La rosa que no florece
  2. イェーガー
  3. 君、死に給ふこと勿れ
  4. 傀儡師達ノ夜
  5. solid heart
  6. ゼログラヴィティ
  7. -ism
  8. Bye-bye My Blue Bird
  9. ガラスのそら
  10. clocks
dl link:

edit: also, this batch makes exactly 200 uploads!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

There is not a day without a good song.

Enjoy responsibly

Late update is late

But I must admit, this one album should be enough to satisfy you for a while

Your Pianist by 無力P

  1. Overture
  2. 6th.
  3. Flightless Bird
  4. Latter Letter
  5. Brella
  6. a balance
  7. Crescent Mark
  8. Aspirin
  9. Desire for the Sky
  10. ///unknown///
  11. Phosphorescence
  12. AurOra

...what you want more?  Fine fine, while it's not vocaloid, if you seen this series already (shame upon thee), here's the Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt OST if you haven't gotten your hands on it yet.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


5 more for tonight, will upload more tomorrow.

Alteration No.3 by ぼーかりおどP (noa)

  1. Alterna_outroduction
  2. ラストラスト
  3. ジュゲムシーケンサー
  4. out of the hole
  5. マーキュリー
  6. 青空の似合う場所へ
  7. It's (not) too late
  8. 以心伝心
  9. インターステラ
  10. out of the gravity

Innovator-Earth from Innovate Sounds

  1. Esquire
  2. Nature's swell
  3. longing
  4. 拝啓、Mr.EARTH
  5. 星の唄
  6. グレイシア
  7. Mydoctor
  8. 星の君
  9. ジオラマ
  10. a lie

Starry Bloom from various artists

  1. Cherishing memory
  2. In the Night
  3. 影結び
  4. Secret Stage
  5. I won't leave YOU
  6. duty.
  7. Season of Goodbye
  8. -  9. are off vocal versions of each song


  1. イナズマ
  2. メーデー
  3. スキマ
  4. きみのそら
  5. ジャック
  6. 誰かの足跡
  7. ピエロ
  8. ヒーローごっこ
  9. そのすべて
  10. アイラビューアイニジュー

Dance Dance VOCALOMUSIC ★ Vol.1 from Sevencolors

  1. intro
  2. インパーフェクト・ガール
  3. HighEndCity
  4. Grapefruit Kiss
  5. strawberry night
  6. スウィートドール
  7. Day Dream
  8. レモネード

Friday, January 21, 2011

So that makes this the 170th post right?

First half of the voc@m@ster 15 albums, second half is going up tonight.

Aurore et Crepuscule from the circle known as Bit-z

  1. 暁と三日月
  3. オレンジデイズ
  4. 僕は1番じゃないけど
  5. Heart Beats
  6. ステレオ
  7. 異星間交流
  8. 空想机上論
  9. 8760センチメンタル
  10. 「さよなら」の言葉
  11. Auroral Sound
  12. ただいま
  13. 黄昏と宵ノ風


  1. Into the light
  3. song for you
  4. festal day
  5. sweet magic
  6. 想い出メモリー
  7. In the memory
  8. blind
  9. PM5:50
  10. Rain down (Album Ver.)
  11. farewell
  12. プラネテレコ
  13. Goodbye My World (Album Ver.)
  14. NEVERLAND (舞子 Ver.)

from 4jyo-han to everywhere by effe

  1. rocket.
  2. FLY
  3. night drive
  4. limited
  5. flicker evidence
  6. Silent City
  7. DOT Adventure
  8. s
  9. Twinkle night stars
  10. MAGIC
  11. wondersketch
  12. FLY (bonus track by miksolodyne-ts)


  1. sound,word,heart,world
  2. 花火空
  3. アント
  4. ヒトリゴトスイッチ
  5. レイニーレイ
  6. 春花秋橙
  7. カロン
  8. ヘイムダルの角笛
  9. クラウン
  10. 夕凪プラットホーム
  11. モトヤマ・シグナル
  12. スクエアフォール

Planetary suicide by ゆよゆっぺ

  1. 864000sec
  2. Planetary suicide
  3. Cry
  4. Thunder Girl
  5. Leia
  6. 贖罪
  7. 悲しいという気持ち
  8. Prayer
  9. I am a super man.
  10. The last 8 bars
  11. Cry -Acoustic ver.
  12. Bonus track

Macne meets UTAU with:disc

  1. Nana song
  2. リライト
  3. 情報弱者
  4. 真空管
  5. Starlike
  6. 以心伝心エントロピー
  7. 赤い月のレクイエム
  8. 蒔音坂
  9. 夜とプロムナー
  10. Starlit Night
  11. ブレテル
  12. Orange
  13. 小さな足音
  14. 鬼ごっこ
  15. キムラ項

Thursday, January 20, 2011


This post is mostly for the other admins here- end-users need not regard.
So, I basically got bored and decided to set up a domain name.
So, now redirects here to (Or at least, it will within the next 48 hours).
Also, you can contact us at:
If any of the other admins need to know their login information for their account, they can contact me via steam.

Oh, also, so this post isn't useless, I really like this Haruhi Fighting Doujin Game, Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekitou, so I'm gonna upload it. I'll post it in the comments below when it's up, because for now, I'm going to sleep.

Songs of the Day Jan 20, 2011


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Songs of the Day Jan 19, 2011

Finals for next two days suck it up if i cant post lolz

3 more for tonight

Emonloid by emon(Tes.)

  1. Intro
  2. Love Timer
  3. Heart beats
  4. 8760センチメンタル
  5. Super☆すとろべりぃ♪
  6. 7days
  7. Be
  8. ジュリエッタとロミヲ
  9. Heart Beats (SuketchP-remix)
  10. ジュリエッタとロミヲ (栗プリン)
  11. Love Timer (向日葵)

alta mugs E.P by 古川P

  1. alta mugs
  2. グリグリメガネと月光蟲
  3. sound Agree
  4. ドアーズ
  5. 春の
  6. ムーンサイドへようこそ
  7. alta mugs feat.630
  8. piano lesson -hot cake mix- feat.ちびた

LENS by otetsu

  1. Implosion 
  2. ブラックゴールド 
  3. umbrella 
  4. 屍 
  5. Limiter 
  6. Escape
  7. 綱渡り 
  8. 泥 
  9. speed
  10. レンズ

You know EXIT TUNES always has good stuff

There's actually quite a few awesome songs here that I didn't expect, guess I could've checked the tracklist back then, but hey surprises are nice.

EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalonexus feat. 初音ミク

  1. マトリョシカ
  2. 般若心経ポップ
  3. Paranoid Doll
  4. トリノコシティ
  5. アンチクロロベンゼン
  6. 秘密警察
  7. ネトゲ廃人シュプレヒコール
  8. 心拍数#0822
  9. マイリスダメー!
  10. ナイフ
  11. 家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。
  12. ggrks-ググれカス-
  13. 暗い森のサーカス
  14. Pane dhiria
  15. 秘蜜 ~黒の誓い~
  16. 黄泉桜
  17. ツンデ恋歌
  18. さよならポラリス
  19. またあした

Because we love 40mP and kous

Both their albums go up first!

コタエアワセ by 40mP

  1. kotae
  2. 空中アクアリウム
  3. トリノコシティ
  4. フタリボシ
  5. 綺麗な世界
  6. 妄想スケッチ
  7. ポンコツロボット
  8. タイムマシン
  9. 君の手、僕の手

in focus by kous

  1. いかないで。
  2. 椿姫
  3. スミレの絵本
  4. ○+●
  5. 人影、重ねて
  6. 時計屋と夢
  7. ゆうやけサンセット
  8. 君は口内炎
  9. 雨25
  10. スミレの絵本-Remix-
  11. いかないで。-Remix-

Friday, January 14, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

At long last!!!!

The torrent is [s]Finally[/s] almost here!  By almost I mean it will hopefully be up within the next few days, however you can view a list of all the albums in pdf format below

Detailed - 35 MB - Album art/album name/artist/tracklist:

Simple - 200 KB - Album name/artist:

Also I must address something that ended up with a lot of confused people and angry emails [jk]and deaththreats[/jk].  Which is, the fact that many people thought that the last huge collection of albums was every vocaloid album in existence (you silly simple minded buffoons).  Nah I should take some responsibility for not making something rather important very clear now:

At this time, and probably for the rest of my life, it will be impossible for me (perhaps anyone) to successfully obtain every last vocaloid album that exists

Why you ask, with your torches primed in your throwing arm.  The answer is simple, I'm a human, a human who is busy with other things in life yet still loves sharing one of his favorite things with the world, which is vocaloid music.  However, I'm not even fluent or close to fluent in japanese, meaning that there will be many albums out there that I probably will never even hear of in my existence, meaning my sources are limited, even on the internet.  Perhaps one day I'll learn it successfully, and be able to obtain even more albums, but for now, I'm pretty sure you guys will be satisfied for quite a while with over 40 gigs and 4000 vocaloid songs.  

So, take your time, and listen to every last track, even though we all share the guilt of pirating the music they toiled so hard to create, the least you all can do is to do what makes them happiest, and enjoy every last zeptosecond of it all (and of course, buy the music if you love it!  Common places to search are amazon, and hearjapan, Karent, and itunes is getting its fair share of vocaloid albums now too.  If you want more info, I suppose I can bug suchipi to post some good sources for buying albums in the future)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kutabare Homework

Almost done getting the last few albums for the torrent peeps, so here's another collection of rock goodness from our friend nashimoto.

まどのそと by 梨本うい

  1. わるつ
  2. 子豚のぶーちゃん
  3. 目やに
  4. 心の形
  5. くたばれPTA
  6. 自由帳
  7. 夜行性ニワトリ行進曲
  8. 死にたがり
  9. なれのはて

Songs of the Day Jan 8, 2011

Srry! Internet broke and projects got all up on my arse so oh noes! Anyway, I fixed it up late today, and I just got back from some major tests. Also Finals are coming up for me, too, so don't expect any new features until its over!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

my 10 day limit is almost up!

Looks like I need to upload something good to keep you guys distracted as I procrastinate.


  1. Intro
  2. ARCA
  3. ARCA (Instumental)

Friday, January 7, 2011


I've been playing waaaay too much tf2 lately._.

With that interesting topic out of the way, here's another update since I've been such a sorry slacker =D



Disc 1:
  1. New year festival
  2. おひめさまになりたいのッ!
  3. アンバランス
  4. サヨナラカーニヴァル
  5. 笑顔になあれ
  6. 赤い靴のパレード
  7. Heartful melody
  8. ピース
  9. ひとりぼっちパレード
  10. ウタゴエ
Disc 2:
  1. 星の王子様
  2. epilogue bridge
  3. Stereo Noise
  4. パレード
  5. Baby Bear
  6. BLUE
  7. Ameto
  8. Miracle Of Desktop

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Songs of the Day Jan 2, 2011


Well no, not that hammer, but still, this album is full of win.

hammer from nagisimo.sys

  1. Viking -instrumental-
  2. Siva -instrumental-
  3. analyze
  4. gain
  5. ライオンマン -instrumental-
  6. マンティ・ハードコア
  7. Alcoholoid2
  8. reactor -instrumental-
  9. Tokyo02
  10. mid color circles -instrumental-
  11. S.S.D.D
  12. キラメキ☆Love & Cure

also, the image for this album cover makes for a great desktop background

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Songs of the Day Jan 1, 2011

Here you go.

Slap away.

Supercell for the win!

Yeah yeah I know I haven't been making any updates recently due to me pouring most of my time into fixing the albums that got corrupted when my laptop hard drive killed itself a while back.  The torrent should be up in no more than 10 days, or you can slap me, or rather try to picture me and do so.

On the subject of the torrent, I was originally planning to make a new torrent with the albums from the previous torrent in their own folder, with the new albums separate so peeps who didn't need the previous torrent could just untick that while dling.  However, remember those albums that were tagged with hatsune miku as the artist? I've since managed to locate the artists of not all, but more of those albums, and I highly suggest you just dl this new torrent and replace the previous one with this completely.

With that out of the way, because it was so oddly requested, in a previous post, here you go!.

supercell tribute ~Stowaways~ from supercell feat. 初音ミク

  1. 恋は戦争 Remixed by マチゲリータP
  2. ハートブレーカー Remixed by 梨本うい
  3. メルト Remixed by cosMo (暴走P)
  4. ブラック★ロックシューター Remixed by minato (流星P)
  5. くるくるまーくのすごいやつ Remixed by ゆよゆっべ
  6. ライン Remixed by ジミーサムP
  7. ワールドイズマイン Remixed by Dixie Flatline
  8. 初めての恋が終わる時 Remixed by doriko
  9. 嘘つきのパレード Remixed by 小林オニキス
  10. その一秒 スローモーション Remixed by KNOTS
  11. ひねくれ者 Remixed by トラボルタ
  12. またね Remixed by ichi (Baguettes Ensemble)

Supercell remix albums

don't wanna upload to mediafire, so someone do it for me lolz
work work work
