Friday, December 3, 2010

Status update

It's been a bit since I've updated and I apologize for that, my lappy should be back up in a couple more days if everything goes right, and as for future plans, December is here, meaning a new collection torrent will be made.

This torrent will include all the albums from the previous torrent, updated with all the albums uploaded to this site, vocamas 14 albums, and a couple new albums coming out this december (mainly EXIT TUNES and Deco*27's new album).

With that said, I will not be uploading all the vocamas 14 albums (but I will if you request any) except for a few goodies of the batch.

And now, peace out.

PS: much thanks to Hatsunelover for keeping the site lively with his reviews
and updates from the vocaloid haven that is niconico douga.

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