Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Song of the Day: Nov 9, 2010

H@tsuneLOVER here,

Today will be my first "Song of the Day" post. Just as it sounds, I will be posting reviews and ratings for newly released videos. Please comment and state your own opinions about the songs I post, or maybe compliment how awesome I am.
Now onto the song of the day:

A calming, rhythmic song with Luka as its vocalist. The trance-like music beautifully segues the intro into the body of the song. Luka's voice syncs perfectly with both the tune and the atmosphere in the music. The artist also expertly uses instruments to separate different parts of the song. As it progresses, the song becomes bombarded, yet not overwhelmed, by different instruments, blending into a uniform melody that fully compliments Luka's voice.

Ratings (Max. 5)
Originality 3.75
Execution 4.5
Replayability 4.0

Alright, that will conclude today's review. Sometimes I might post two or more songs, but due to both time constraints (Was searching nicovideo for a long time) and fatigue (Reunions suck), today will consist of only one.

Notable songs



  1. Hi there! im Zai-kun
    interesting post you have here ^^
    Fuwa fuwa its a nice choice for the best of the day. GJ!

    i do like to nominate another notable songs of the day =P

    - shaker P - koe gakikoeru

    (a nice Luka & KAITO duet)

    - fujimiya - Overture ~Circus~

    (another duet but this time fujimiya itself sings along with Miku, its really catchy ^^)
